FAQ; treatments and pregnancies

FAQ; behandlingar och graviditeter

There is a lot to keep track of when you are pregnant, and thoughts may arise about things that you might not otherwise have given a thought to. A common question among pregnant women is whether a brow or lash treatment can be affected by the fact that you are pregnant. Here we have collected the most common questions - and the answer!

Can I do a brow or lash treatment if I'm pregnant?

You are welcome to us at Rapide - even when you are pregnant! There are no studies that show that it is dangerous to dye/bend eyelashes or eyebrows during pregnancy . However, some refrain from carrying out the treatment due to the fact that the body is in a hormonal imbalance which can affect the durability and results of your treatment. Did you know that even the menstrual cycle (first days after menstruation), menopause, stress, hormonal drugs, etc. can affect the results of your treatment because the quality of your hair is affected by these factors. However, it is always up to the individual to make the decision whether they want to carry out a treatment or not. All pregnancies and bodies are different, so consult a midwife or doctor if you feel unsure!

What results can I expect after a brow or lash treatment if I'm pregnant?

The result is most often, just as usual, but when you are pregnant or breastfeeding, the hair quality changes drastically. One moment you get fuller and stronger hairs - to the point of losing many hairs when breastfeeding. The skin can also suddenly become dry or super shiny. It also means that the results of your treatment may last longer or shorter than usual.

Is there anything I should think about before & after a brow or lash treatment if I'm pregnant?

If you are worried that the result will wear off quickly due to oilier skin/hair, you can always keep the color on a little extra, so that it has time to penetrate the hair shaft and work. Then you get a dye that lasts longer and you don't have to dye several times. Permanent treatments, on the other hand, should not be performed too often, we always let 6-8 weeks pass before doing a new treatment so that the entire permanent falls out before doing a new one. You can also take care of your lashes and brows a little extra with good products that provide moisture, nourishment and keep the hairs in a good structure/balance.

Welcome to book your treatment here !

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