Your face shape determines which type of brow suits you best - do you know which brow shape you should have?
At Rapide, we base ourselves on four natural eyebrow shapes when shaping brows. We call them Arch which means arch, Curve which means curve, Straight which means straight and Rounded which means round. The goal is always to highlight or improve the natural shape and create symmetrical eyebrows that the customer is comfortable with.
But which shape is right for you? To know that, we first need to determine your face shape. Look at the pictures below - which face shape is most similar to yours?
The square face
A square face is usually characterized by a prominent jaw, so choose softly rounded eyebrows such as "rounded" or "curve" for this face shape. Full eyebrows with a rounded arch will neutralize and soften your features.

The oval face
If you have a long face, you should invest in straight eyebrows. Think shapely but not too dramatic. To balance a vertical face shape, lengthen the eyebrows a bit in the outer corners of the eyes.
The round face
A round face with plump cheeks suits angular eyebrows. Opt for a high arch to create the illusion of wider eyes and a longer face.
Still not sure which brow type suits you?
Take our popular quiz "find your brow type" here or book a treatment with one of our professional stylists who can guide and help you with everything related to color and shape here !